Rev. Craig Schwalenberg

Minister ~ Storyteller ~ Weaver of Words

Rev. Craig lives, works, and plays with a theology of connection, play, and hospitality. His spirituality is based on the power of community and the interconnectedness of all things. His favorite ministry is the sharing of stories and the creation of celebrations in community. In his time as a Unitarian Universalist Minister, he has officiated over 100 weddings and memorial services. He’s crafted house blessings, pet blessings, child dedications, and re-naming ceremonies. As a Unitarian Universalist, Rev. Craig is trained and experienced in crafting ceremonies from and for multiple faiths, religions, and traditions.


Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison ~ 1992

Ordained as Unitarian Universalist Minister by the UU Society of Geneva ~ 2006

Masters of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological School ~ 2006

Assistant Minister at First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, WI 2006 - 2009

Minister at Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta, NY 2009 - 2020


My wife Cheryl and I wrote our own wedding ceremony in 2000, involving many of our friends and family in the sharing of the tale of our journey together with love and laughter.

My first memorial service was for my grandfather, Elroy Schwalenberg. I was still a student in seminary, but my family had faith in me. With the help of colleagues and friends, I created a ceremony that celebrated complicated story of his life, honoring the effect he had on all those he left behind. Every memorial service I’ve done since, has had a piece of that first one in it.

Rev. Craig Schwalenberg his dog-paw print tie, a gift from a former congregation.


Thank you for making the experience so meaningful for us both. We really appreciate everything you’ve done for our wedding and to champion the cause of all people being able to marry.

~ Margaux Shields & Jennifer Halsey


Although Craig did not know my mother before she died, through lengthy interviews with my brothers and sister and other family members he was able to discern the central theme of her life and used that to present a truly sensitive and thoughtful service. One of the things that impressed me most was the amount of time he generously dedicated to our family before the service. The memorial service was well received by those in attendance and several people commented that it was one of the best memorial or funeral services they had experienced.

— Bill Schendel

Craig welcomed us with open arms. He married us in a heartfelt ceremony that our friends and family talk about with approval to this day. With his help and support, we designed a service fit for our beliefs and he used the knowledge of us that he had gained to craft a moving homily. The relationship that started with our marriage has continued, with Craig on hand to dedicate our daughter, Adah, something we felt we couldn’t do without him being there.

— Joshua Blakely


During the initial planning phase of the memorial service, Craig was graceful, sensitive, and an excellent listener. It was during his interview with family members in which his pastoral care shined. Craig's ability to connect with children has always been one of his strengths and during this challenging time it was very beneficial.

—Joseph Bree